Monday, March 23, 2009

This sums up pretty well what I don't like about the Obama cult of personality. Seriously, you want a cult, look at some of those pictures. Obama with an earth chakra and blue veins for instance.
The tremendous solemnity of most of them just shows how earnestly some people believe that he has somehow shifted the way we all think. Aside from horrible artistry it's very much a mythology. AS MUCH AS HE IS DIFFERENT FROM OTHERS IN SOME WAYS HE IS STILL A POLITICIAN. It has started coming apart at the seams a little bit but I can't help but feeling the real sense of betrayal is yet to come.


  1. ha...the woo-woo obama is pretty funny, maybe he will levitate for us too? i think that keeping up with poitics is a pretty good thing and im glad to see obama has gotten peoples hopes up, but hope that he can keep them there
    old97 at

  2. Where are you now? There are some radical Quakers in the UK who would like contact.
